The instruments provided by the Adaptation, Performance and Human Development research group are generally of two types: those developed by the research group and those adapted by the research group.
In the latter case, the authors of the instruments were asked for their consent to proceed with the adaptation to the Portuguese language. However, there is not exclusivity in the use of the instrument by the research group, and other researchers are free to use the instruments if the authorship for the adaptation is respected.
Usage rules
- The instruments should be used exclusively for research and “action research” purposes. In the case of “action research” projects, the use of the instruments is restricted to professionals with specific training for using psychological evaluation tools. In this sense, we are not responsible for the incorrect use of the materials provided on the web page.
- The use of the instruments for the trading, selling, or advertising of other products is strictly forbidden.
Authorization for using the instruments
- It is not necessary to obtain the authorization from the research group to use the instruments, as long as the usage rules are respected.
- Instruments adapted from other authors can be translated to a different language than Portuguese as long as it is obtained the authorization from the original authors.