Our Books

Desporto juvenil: Contributos da psicologia para o desenvolvimento dos atletas

Youth sport: Contributions of psychology to the development of athletes

Rui Gomes
Book | 2024 | Available here
Liderar com Eficácia | Um Guia Prático

Leading Effectively: A Practical Guide

Rui Gomes
Leading Effectively | 2021 | Available here
Coaching for human development and performance in sports

Coaching for human development and performance in sports

Rui Resende & Rui Gomes
Coaching for human development and performance in sports | 2020 | Available here
Relações interpessoais: Concepções e Contextos de Intervenção e Avaliação

Interpersonal Relations: Concepts and Contexts of Intervention and Evaluation

D. Bartholomeu, J. Montiel, A. Machado, R. Gomes, G. Couto e V. Borges.
General Psychology | Pages: 380 | 1st Edition | 2016 Available here
Formação e saberes em desporto, educação física e lazer

Training and knowledge in sport, physical education and leisure

R. Resende; A. Albuquerque; R. Gomes
No. of pages: 560 | Published: 2015 | Language: Portuguese | Available here
Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

A.R., Resende, R., & Albuquerque, A. (Eds.) (2014)
Promoting Stress Adaptation | Volume 1 | Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions | Available here
Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

A.R., Resende, R., & Albuquerque, A. (Eds.) (2014)
Promoting Healthy Lifestyle | Volume 2 | Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions | Available here
Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

Positive Human Functioning From a Multidimensional Perspective

A.R., Resende, R., & Albuquerque, A. (Eds.) (2014)
Promoting Stress Adaptation | Volume 3 | Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions | Available here
Psicologia do Esporte - Da Escola à Competição

Sports Psychology - From School to Competition

Organisers: Afonso Antonio Machado and Rui Gomes
1st edition - 2011 | 312 pages | Available here
Promoção de experiências positivas em crianças e jovens: programa de competências de vida

Promoting positive experiences in children and young people: life skills program

Rui Gomes
Manual for the monitor | 2010 | Available here
Promoção de experiências positivas em crianças e jovens: programa de competências de vida

Promoting positive experiences in children and young people: life skills program

Rui Gomes
Manual for participants - Part I: up to 10 years old; Part II: over 10 years old | 2010 | Available here